Medicaid health plans are producing cost savings for states, increasing access to services for individuals covered by Medicaid, improving quality of care, and earning high satisfaction ratings from enrollees, according to a Lewin Group report released by America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). Twenty-four existing studies were analyzed by the Lewin Group to determine the savings achieved when states have implemented private Medicaid health plans (see also Medicare and Medicaid).
'This study provides validation that Medicaid health plans are improving quality and access while also containing costs,' said Karen Ignagni, President and CEO of AHIP. 'During these difficult economic times, Medicaid health plans provide states with tools that work and on which they can depend.'
Since the early 1990s, state Medicaid programs have turned increasingly to private health plans because of their potential to provide high-quality, cost-effective care. According to Lewin, health plans offer an opportunity for Medicaid programs to stretch their dollars and achieve cost savings without cutting eligibility, benefits, or already-low provider payment levels as states look at ways to alleviate the economic pressure faced by their budgets.
Keywords: Medicare and Medicaid, Health Insurance, Health Policy, Medicaid, Quality of Care, America's Health Insurance Plans.
This article was prepared by Managed Care Weekly Digest editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2009, Managed Care Weekly Digest via